Tuesday, November 27, 2007

My Day On Strike With the WGA

Everything you are about to read is true, and all it shows is pretty much how I have no shame...
So Jen tipped me off today that the Writers Guild of America (WGA) were having a big strike rally down in Washington Square Park at noon. Members of SAG and other unions were supposed to be on hand. I figured it was a good time to go get some more pics of celebs...
So I head down to the park and the rally is already going when I get there (about 10 minutes late) and the first speaker is none other than John Edwards...

So I whip out the camera, only to discover..the battery is dead....

After cursing Jen's name for several seconds (thanks babe, for not telling me the battery was shot!) I hustle over to a little store, buy some double A's, and come back...

Now, here's where the battery misfortune actually turned out well...as I walk back (with my camera in my bag, kinda stealth-like) a WGA member stops me and says "do you want to wear a Support WGA button?"

Well sure, so I put it on...and go get some pics of Senator Edwards, and as he's walking away, I shake his hand (because hell, if I could vote, he's actually the one I'd vote for)

Now here's where it gets good...

With my WGA button on, and camera still hiding, I slip up the back side of the park and find myself standing behind the podium where the speakers are talking to the rallying WGA members...I look around, and notice, hey, there's a bunch of celebs and local politicians and stuff just over there...

Now, other people are trying to get where I am, but they are being turned away, even the press, so I'm just standing there, pulling out my camera every now and then to take a shot of some celebrity, but mostly just playing the part of striking WGA member, so as not to arouse suspicion...

that parts easy, cause all you have to do is cheer at the right times, and clap at the right time...no problem...everybody thinks I'm just another WGA member....

By the end of the rally, I had shook hands with Tim Robbins, Danny Glover, Anthony Edwards, Joe Pantoliano, John Slattery (Mayor Victor Lang from "Desperate Housewives"), Michael Emerson (Evil Ben from "Lost"), Julianna Marguiles, Edie Falco, and a couple of other mini celebs...

But the kicker...I got a hug from Kristin Davis (Charlotte from "Sex and the City")...

Why all the handshakes and hugs?? Cause I said one simple thing to each of them as they walked by me...

"Thanks (insert celebrity name here) for supporting OUR cause..."

How's that for ballsy??

In my defense, I AM a writer.....but the celebs were soooo nice once they figured I was some writer not getting the money I deserved...hence the hugs, handshakes and kind words.....

So there you have it, my day as a striking WGA writer....I'm glad all my celeb friends are out there supporting us....

Here are some pics from the day....
That Guy From Law & Order
Anthony Edwards

Danny Glover

Tim Robbins

John Slattery (Mayor on Desperate Housewives)

Kristin Davis and Summer's Dad from the O.C.

Michael Emerson (Ben from Lost)

Edie Falco

Gilbert Goddfreid

Senator John Edwards

Mike (you just KNEW this was a Mike post)


Katie said...

Awesome story that makes me think I should put a poll on my blog.

Has Mike turned:
1) ballsy?
2) a little creepy?
3) downright stalker-y (call the cops)?

BTW, nice photo of you on my blog now...

Unknown said...

Dude, that's Detective Munch - give the man his proper credit! (By the way, have you considered getting your PI license?)

Anonymous said...

Holy crap Mike, that is hysterical! See, you would have never gotten this opportunity if you were still in Sacramento.


chad said...

may i please use this picture of michale emerson on his myspace web page