Well, we had our first expensive lesson the other day.
The door to our apartment has a little button on the side that leaves it unlocked, in case we're going to the basement, or over to our mailbox or whatever, and we don't take our keys...then you just press it again to trigger the lock once again...
The problem is, Jen and I can't ever remember which way the button looks when it is pressed to be unlocked and whatnot...
I think we all know where this is going...
Jen took Cooper down to the basement one night to move the laundry.She told me she was taking the dog and not taking her keys, but did NOT tell me she had pushed the button so that the door would be unlocked for her when she came back...
While she was gone, I decided to take the trash out over across the hallway to the incinerator drop...so I left, pushed the button(thinking I had left the door unlocked and went across the hallway in my bare feet not worried about having to get back in)
As I walked back to the door, Jen and Cooper come back up the elevator so we're all headed to go back inside and I go to open our door...
Won't open...
Try again...
won't open...
I tell Jen "that's weird cause I hit the button" at which point she says "I hit the button when I went down with the dog"
Uh oh....
So to recap, we're out in the hallway, with the dog (no leash), Jen's in her slippers, I'm in my bare feet, we have no keys, no wallet,no PHONES to call anyone...and its 10pm.
At first we figure "no big deal" because the super in the basement has a key..so Jen goes back down the elevator to his apartment...
Only he's not home...and its Friday on the long Thanksgiving weekend,so he may not be home for quite some time...
Jen's pissed, I'm laughing at the situation (which is just angering Jen more, cause God forbid she find the whole thing morbidly funny),and Cooper can't figure out why we won't go back inside...
So Jen walks outside in her slippers to the Chinese takeout restaurant down the block, borrows their phone book to find a locksmith, and heads back...
as she comes home, she bumps into two of our neighbors that live a floor up from us (though we had yet to meet them)...
They graciously let us borrow their cell phone, Jen calls a locksmith,who comes over and lets us in (in about 3 seconds)
Grand total cost of that?? 162 bucks
Talk about an expensive lesson...
I still find the whole thing funny (minus the 162 dollars spent) but Jen just can't bring herself to laugh at the matter, and I can tell she still really REALLY wants to blame me for the whole thing, but the bottom line is we BOTH screwed up (her by not telling me she had pushed the button, me by not double checking or grabbing my keys)
And now we're definitely going to label the buttons so we know in the future....
Just another day in the life of us....oy.
Mike (a Mike post...not Mike's fault)
1 comment:
Next time break a window or kick the door in - it will probably be alot cheaper to repair.
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