As from the Huthmans' recent trip to Manhattan. Ivanna had a conference here for about 8-9 days, so they stayed at a hotel for the first few days, and then joined us for 4 days in Inwood before heading home. All told they spent nearly two weeks here and got to see quite a bit.
Of course, the apple of Mike and Ivanna's eyes is their one-year-old daughter Anisa. She's as cute as a button and has all the personality in the world. And since Jen and I aren't going to be Aunts and Uncles by blood anytime soon, we're more than happy that Mike and Ivanna look at us as family, and that Anisa will grow up knowing she always has Aunt Jen and Uncle Wiggy in her corner.
So while Ivanna was unfortunately stuck in conference related stuff, Mike and I took Anisa around town, where she promptly fell asleep at all the major moments...
At Central Park
At the Buddhist Temple in Chinatown
Coney Island
The Pond at Central Park
Little Italy
She also fell asleep at Ground Zero, but we felt it was inappropriate to take a picture of that. Instead, here's a picture of the work continuing to happen at the WTC site.
Even when Ivanna was able to spend time with her daughter at night, Anisa was still ready to sleep.
She also managed to fall asleep at Yankee Stadium, which frankly, is hard to do... 

Though to be fair, she actually watched most of the game. In fact, she had a blast...she was clapping when everyone else was...which was a lot because the Yankees kicked the Twins ass that night....f'in Yankees....
Most of the week, it just me and Mike taking the kid around town. It was like one long episode of "My Two Dads."
"You can count on me... no matter where you go.."
Mike also took her to the Museum of National History, where she got to see the dinosaurs!
Naturally, she was very excited!
That, in fact, is Anisa's "Super Happy Face!" (tm). She likes to do it a lot, and sometimes even without asking. Of course, I asked her to do it all the time, because I think its hilarious.
Mike and I tried to do the face as well, but its actually quite scary....
We also took the Huthmans to Coney Island.
All told, a really fun time, and we hope the Huthmans keep their promise to come back in the winter. Then we can pictures of Anisa asleep at the Rockfeller ice rink, at Madison Square Garden, at the big Christmas tree, etc. =)
I'm glad the kid was able to see the dead and lifeless team I call The Yankees.
Seriously, you guys, very cute stuff. I'm doing my own very happy face right now, but that's because I just had some champagne.
This was a really cute and clever post! Kudos to you.
And now I want some champagne......
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