Thursday, November 27, 2008
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
It's Cold, but we have Friends
It was 27 degrees this morning when I was walking to work. It's cold, like crazy cold and it's only November. The farmers almanac said it would snow early and be a cold winter and those farmers were right. While you Californians basks in 70-80 degree weather, we are freezing.
It was so cold last night that when I was walking to the subway after work the inside of my nose burned.
Anyhow, fall was beautiful this year. All the leaves were beautiful! Now they are all gone, but last week they started putting beautiful white lights on every tree in the city it seems like. Its so pretty and magical. I don't think the excitement of seeing the white lights will ever get old.
Anyhow, this year I feel more prepared for the cold. I have all my hats, scarves, gloves, uggs, rain boots, snow boots and jackets. Well, I want to get one more wool coat like one that goes to my knees instead of my ankles for days when its over 25 degrees.
Anyhow, we've had a fun couple of weeks. The week before last we got to see 3 friends from California in one week!! Everyone seems to make it to NY eventually and we love seeing them when they get here.

All in all it's been fun. We're not able to make it home for Thanksgiving this year. Mike has to work. I got the day off though. Right now our plan is to get up super early and head with our new folding chairs down to the Upper West Side and grab seats along the parade route. Then Mike will go into work and I will go home and make side dishes.
Our friends in the neighborhood, James and Laura, are having us over for Turkey dinner. The next morning we will get up early, pick up our rental car and head to Canada!!!
We're going to spend a couple of days with Mike's grandmother in Kingston, Ontario. It should be really cold there!!
Monday, November 10, 2008
RIP Murphy
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Election Ramblings
In short, a quick ramblings regarding Election Day...
-- wait, the voting thing was Tuesday? Why didn't someone say anything?
-- I can't be the only one that hoped for Barack Obama to hit the stage for his victory speech and then yell, "Hey, where are the white women at??!!" I know Dave and Mike were hoping for that as well...
-- I missed this, but CNN apparently had a thing on their coverage where a woman was appearing on the set "via hologram." Like they literally beamed her image in there....this is the future...I'd like to be beamed "via hologram" into work next week, frankly...
-- So Obama wins, and Prop 8 in California does similar props in Arizona and as Jen succinctly put it earlier today "America isn't racist...just homophobic."
-- Speaking of California, its now hitting me that I spent 22 years of my life in a state that is governed by an action movie hero and a city that now has a former NBA point guard as its mayor. Read that last sentence again.
-- Flipping around election coverage last night, watching Fox was laughable...they were absolutely the LAST ones to call ANY state that other networks were calling for fact, when everyone else had called the Presidency for Barack, I think Fox still had him with 85 electoral votes...but no bias sirree...
-- And I thought California was bad, but Minnesota now needs a recount to see if they voted a comedian into office for the U.S. Senate? Really? Wasn't this a Robin Williams movie last year....
-- No McCain victory means no Palin vice-presidency, which means no Tina Fey sketches for 4 more years, which makes me a sad panda...
-- The biggest outrage of Election Day? Jen not getting an "I Voted" sticker after she cast her ballot. I haven't seen her that sad since I was forced to tell her that "The Hills" is entirely fabricated...
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Long Time No Bolg Part 2- Mike's Bday
Cooper got him a new winter coat so he could stay warm and dry while he took him on walks. Isn't Cooper thoughtful!!! Anyhow, I got Mike a new sweater and a rugby shirt... As he where's them in photos I'll caption them so you know.
Ever since Cooper had his 1st birthday party he has had a complex-- he thinks that all presents are for him and that he MUST help take off wrapping paper --- as you can see in this photo.
Anyhow, Mike had a nice pre-birthday evening on Wednesday. Thursday it was off to work!! I took a small suitcase with me to work that had both of our belongings in for the next couple of days. Mike raced back to our apartment after he was done working and picked up Cooper and we met at Grand Central Station. We took a Metro North Train to New Haven, CT where Will and Jen picked us up and then we drove to their place in Farmington. This was Cooper's first time in Connecticut!
SO we had a great time hanging out with them in Connecticut. Ever since i was a little kid I have always had a fantasy about living in Connecticut. It stems from the open to "Who's the Boss" Remember that show? Well, in the show open it always showed beautiful houses surrounded by tons of fallen leaves and trees that looked as if they were painted by a sunset. It was beautiful and Connecticut did not disappoint... it was BEAUTIFUL!!!
(this is the Rugby shirt that was one of mikes presents)
We got back late Saturday from CT... Will was working the night shift so that's why the visit was just for Thursday and Friday nights.
ON Sunday we had a few friends over. Mike recently bought a Nintendo Wii and he wanted to play some of his new games with some friends.. SO we had an Open House play date type of thing.. i made meatballs, cocktail hot dogs in puffed pastry, chili cheese dip and we had lots of adult beverages on hand. It was good times!
The interesting thing about the Wii is that it's motion activated. you have to move your hands and the controllers as if you were swinging a bat or driving a car or as this photo shows... Sweeping a curling stone down the ice.. Mike and Chris had a great time playing this game! And we all had a great time watching them.. It was too funny. Coincidentally Mike and Chris were born on the same day and the same year!!! We're not sure about time of day-- but isn't that funny? 10/23/76!
Anyhow Happy Birthday to Mike and Happy Birthday to Chris!!
Long Time No Bolg Part 1- Becca's Visit
SO I have a lot of catching up to do!
Becca was here and we had an amazing time!!! I LOVE it when she visits. We went to the Daily Show taping, wandered around my neighborhood and park (which Cooper loved), Saw Speed The Plow with Jeremy Piven- Great show.

Other things we did while Becca was here.. Went to Central Park, went to "the My Dog Loves Central Park Dog Fair", went to the Boathouse, went to the Met, had Frozen Hot Chocolate's at Serendipity, went to the infamous Dylans Candy Store- which is pretty much awesome AND we made soup!!! Bec taught me how to make the BEST Butternut Squash soup EVER!!! I'll post the recipe at the bottom of this blog.


Anyhow-- It was a great time! We had so much fun!!!!