If you're wondering why I've been rather quiet as of late, its because I have been slammed with pope-related coverage, and well as working 13 of the last 14 days (including today, Sunday). Poor Jen is getting her Benedict fill as well this weekend (and having to rise at 2am as well), but I think I have her beat only because I've seemingly reported on NOTHING but the Holy Father for weeks now...the whole town has been giddy with anticipation, and I was telling my co-workers the other day, "I swear, if I see ONE MORE Pope-related promo..I'm becoming a Muslim out of spite.."
Actually I was hoping I'd get a chance to meet the Pope...so I could have him bless my matza for Passover...maybe he could have come over and I would have let him try to find the Afikomen?? Just as long as he didn't sit in Elijah's chair, all would have been well...maybe next time...

Well, the pontiff leaves tonight following a mass at Yankee Stadium (if you're lucky B-Neal, maybe he'll say a prayer for the Yankees mess of a starting rotation) but the fun doesn't end for me...
No...beginning next week, I move to a new shift at work...Mondays thru Fridays from noon to 6-630pm....along with that I begin training to be a backup producer for Charles Osgood and his Osgood Files radio shows that he does on a daily basis...
For those of you who aren't familiar with Mr. Osgood, he's the Paul Harvey of CBS radio....google Osgood Files and you'll find out more...

Anyways, I'm training with the regular producer all next week, and then filling in for him the following two weeks after that...the kicker is its a morning shift, as in EARLY morning...as in I have to be up at 2am to get here by 330am...produce Osgood til 10...find a place to take a quick snooze here in the CBS building (maybe I can use Andy Rooney's couch) and then work from noon to 6....
Basically 15 hour days...for 3 weeks straight...maybe I should get the Pope to say a prayer for me!
So if you don't hear from me much in this blog over the next 3 weeks, its probably because I'm asleep...
But I will try and write every now and then should funny stories arise or whatnot...
Hope to see everyone when we come back to California next month!!
1 comment:
The Holy Father not only blessed Yankee Stadium, but he blessed the new Yankee Stadium. My favorite part of the mass today was when Cardinal Egan announced the Boston Archdiocese and you could hear some people in the crowd booing!
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