Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Hey Now, You're An All-Star!

Ilya Kovalchuk

Black interviewer: "Yo, dawg! You excited to be here and throw down for the fans??"
Vincent Lecavailer: "Uh, you know its just a great honor to be chosen to play in the game..."
Black interviewer (now hurriedly looking at his list of possible questions, because he's ALREADY out of ideas): "I feel you, I feel you, well tell the folks in the ATL that you're ready to put on a show!!"
Lecavalier (looking deadpan into the camera): "See you Atlanta folks at the game."
Highest of high comedy...good times....I love media time.

So after the Skills competition Saturday night, we headed back to the hotel, dropped some stuff off in the room, and headed out to get a we're riding the elevator down from the 16th floor and we stop at the 11th floor and about six black guys between the ages of 16 and 18 jump on...being kinda loud, but no big deal...but they're all hip-hopped out, ghettoed to the max...
STILL no big deal for us (remember, I live in NYC now, I've seen it all and am scared of NOTHING anymore) and we're actually kinda chatting with the kids, asking how the battle went, and such...when the elevator stops on the 4th floors, the door opens, and there waiting to get on is a little white kid, probably about 12 years old....
Well, I've never seen a kid's eyes get wider...he took a step in, looked up, saw who was in the elevator....

Sunday, January 20, 2008
Uggly Cold, Cupcakes, and News10 Friends.
It was so cold today that I wore 2 hats, a thermal shirt with a wool turtleneck sweater over it and my ankle length down jacket, a scarf and mittens.

It was even cold on the subway.. I only took off one of my hats for the ride

It was SOOOO cold that even Mike wore a hat, a scarf and a jacket - he forgot his gloves though and he was cold. Yes, even Mr. I have Canadian blood- was cold.
Anyhow,I have been wanting to get Uggs for awhile now. I kept going back and forth between a few different styles and colors so I had put the purchase off. Well, yesterday I realized that I don't care what color, what style, or anything like that-I just want my calves to be warm. I had been wearing knee high socks with wool leg warmers over the socks beneath my jeans. And I was still cold. I used to think that Uggs were only meant for college kids to be trendy and sport with mini skirts in So Cal when the temperatures dropped in to the chilly '60's.
Screw you all- it's 20 degrees and I'm frickin cold and I NEED Uggs.For our male readers- Uggs are super warm sheep skin boots. Shown to your left here.
So Yesterday afternoon after our visitors left (which I will blog about after my cold rant) Mike and I went to midtown to go get my Uggs. Store after store- Sorry, we're sold out. Sorry we only have a size 5 or 12 left. 12- who they heck where's a 12 women's? Maybe that's why that was left. We're then at Lord & Taylor (It's like a Nordstorm only on the East Coast)- They have a size 10 (too big) and a size 8 (too small) - Damn it! So close. Still cold.
We go home and I start calling every department store that I know of. Sold Out! Then I start trying to buy on line everyone is sold out in my size or else they only have them in the short boot which just keeps your ankles warm.
I need full warmth over my whole leg. Frankly if they could go to my knee that would be ideal- I'm cold. My delicate California skin can't handle it- and it's supposed to get progressively colder throughout the week.
It's cold and I have no Uggs.
I do google searches and craigslist entries come in- people are trying to sell of their uggs for $100 over the asking price. They advertise - sold out all over the city.
I find out that Ugg has a flag ship store in Soho. I call them about 20 times to see if they have what I NEED in stock. No answer. Just voicemail with their hours and location. SO- guess how Mike and I spent our Sunday? Trekking down to Soho. Which was super cute by the way. Just to give you an idea of how posh Soho is- a studio flat goes for about $600,000 there- and yes I did say STUDIO, not even a one bedroom.
We get there. The Ugg flagship store. It was like the sun broke through the dark sky and shined a bright spotlight on it. I think even church music played- and I wasn't even listening to my Ipod and I'm a Jew- we don't hallelujah.
Then I see 5 signs on the window front- Sorry we're sold out of Ugg Boots in short, tall, super tall in all sizes. I see the sign... I read the sign... but I don't believe the sign.
We go inside and all the employees appear to be pissed off and grumpy. I ask Do you have anything in a 9- He points to the knit boot- yep knit. Not sheepskin... not warm. Then they say in a broken record tone of voice- "We're sold out of all sizes. We get shipments Tuesday and Wednesday. There is no waiting list. We will not call you. Just come by and check." They wouldn't even tell us when their shipments arrive. I now understand why they seemed pissed off. They have cold agitated people like me that they have had to turn away all day.
So, I step outside and call my mom in So Cal. Tell her I have an emergency- I'm cold! I ask her to check the stores in so cal. After all, people there can't be nearly as cold as me. My mom calls Bloomies first- sold out- all sizes. She then calls Nordies. All they have left is a size 9, classic tall in chestnut brown (same as pictured above, but a darker shade). She overnighted them. I'm going to be warm. Yay for super mom. I'm going to be happy and warm come Tuesday. Is it Tuesday yet???Anyhow, after the whole uggly ordeal (hehehe- get it? Ugly- uggs- hah!) Mike and I walked to Magnolia Bakery over in the Village. Magnolia is like this legendary bake shop- known for their cupcakes. They've been profiled in nearly every magazine and every TV show that is based in NY. We hadn't yet tried them, but had been wanting to since we moved here. Afterall, what else can cheer you up when it's cold outside and you ugg-less. So we headed to Bleecker Street for cupcakes and coco. We get there and there is a line out the building and around the corner. All of these
cold New Yorkers were looking for cupcake comfort too. We get in line and stare through the glass watching them frost cupcakes and make amazing mixtures. At one point we saw a lady making banana pudding- she was using an industrial sized Kitchen Aid Mixer (I miss mine so much- I wish it was here with me and not in storage- boo!) mixing 'Nilla wafers and fresh cut bananas into vanilla pudding- Seriously! Doesn't that sound dreamy?
Anyhow, after waiting in line for about 30 minutes we are granted entry. I felt like I was in college waiting in line to get into Rileys on buck night. We go and walk to the left and wait in another line. Cupcakes are self serve. We get our cupcakes and then go get in another line, order our hot chocolates and pay. 2 hot chocolates, 8 cupcakes- Total- $23... Brightness to your day when it's cold- priceless. But we used a Visa check card, not a mastercard to pay.
This is not the cold talking- I swear, but this hot chocolate was the best hot chocolate that I have had in my entire life. It was milk steamed with a espresso steamer and chocolate chunks melted in. It was amazing. So fabulous. We had the first of our cupcakes once we got home after dinner. Amazingly good. So, good I felt warm and fuzzy. Just what you need when it's 4 degrees outside.
Anyhow, early in this blog I had mentioned visitors. Well, on Wednesday night we had dinner with Michelle Hofland who happened to be in town. I used to babysit for Michelle when I was 16 and she used to report for Fox 40- may first TV job was there. She now lives in St. Louis and works for NBC.
And on Friday Night Jodie Mitchell Moreno was in town with her hubby Juan. They stayed with us. We went out to dinner with the other east coast News 10ers- Chris Spitzer and his girlfriend Shirley and Janelle who used to date one of our old coworkers at News 10 and now lives just a few blocks away from us. Yay for Sactown friends. Dinner was fun. I'll put up a group picture as soon as Shirley sends me one- she was they one smart enough to bring her camera! :)
After dinner- we had cupcakes at the Butter cup bakeshop- Good- but not as good as Magnolia. Chris and Shirley headed back to Staten Island and the rest of us headed up to our neighborhood. Jodie and Juan needed to bring their luggage up and Cooper needed a pottie break.After everyone took care of their business we went to our local bar the Pipers Kilt. This is where we play trivia. The bartenders are our friends now and the drinks are very well priced. We shut the place down after singing all the cheesiest juke box songs -including Aqua and Lisa Loeb- at the the top of our lungs. We left at 3am and went across the street to McDonalds- where I in my finest asked the 18 year old behind the counter to put extra salt on the frizzles.
Anyhow, it was a fun visit. I'm glad the were able to stay with us and it was great to reconnect with Janelle who lives so close to us.
Miss everyone- when your enjoying the nice whether you may be experiencing in whichever city you live in -remember me - a cold ugg-less girl trying to get extra salt on some frizzles.
With love,
A Jen Post- I'm sure that was hard to guess- right?
Miss you all.
Monday, January 14, 2008
Sign Our Guestbook
Just click on the "Sign this Guestbook" bar below the graphic.
Friday, January 11, 2008
Our laptop is back!!!
Our laptop is back and better then before!!
Anyhow, I wanted to share the good news with you all. Stay tuned for some exciting new posts as we update how the start of 2008 has been.
PS- For those of you who have been worried about Cooper The Great- Don't be. He's happy and healthy. After taking antibiotics for a week and enjoying freshly prepared rice and chicken every day for 8 days- He's been given a clean bill of health. He's back to his spunky self. Thank you to everyone for who expressed concern over the past few weeks
Thursday, January 10, 2008
My California Drivers License Arrived
Isn't that awesome!
PS- Our laptop is supposed to be fixed today. Although they have told us that everyday this week.
Say a little prayer.
Love to all of you!
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Sweatin' to ABC News

Richard Simmons was in our newsroom today! He starting running around the newsroom asking how everyone was doing. I smiled at him and he came over and asked what was up w/ Hillary Clinton. He told me that he's worried about her and hopes that people don't think she is weak.
He then did a live interview on the news set right next to my desk. Afterwards he shot a little promo.... singing we're all sweatin to ABC News.
It was awesome, in like that late night info-mercial kinda way!
Still Waiting
The update is we don't have a hard drive problem at all...we took the laptop to the Geek Squad at Best Buy for diagnostics, and they told us that the hard drive checked out fine, but that we have a TON of adware issues, which has basically brought the computer to a screeching they are in the process of cleaning it up for us...
When I told them that Dell had told us we needed a new hard drive...the Best Buy guys just in other words, Dell = SNEAKY BASTARDS!!!
Hopefully, we'll be back online from the comfort of our own home tonight or tomorrow...keep your fingers crossed...