Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Don't "F" With Cooper's Dad

So Cooper had his first run-in with a mean old neighborhood lady...and by "Cooper" having the run-in, we mean "Cooper's Dad" had a run-in.

So I took the Coop Dog out to do his business in the morning, and we were on our usual walk around the block, and without getting too graphic, he stopped to poop up near our building. So I'm getting a poop bag out to pick it up and throw it out, and some old geezer walks by with her umbrella, and I hear her say, with a sign of resignation, "Oh geez..."...

so I look up to see her rolling her eyes and walking away disgustedly....which I can't figure out because in our neighborhood, dogs do their business wherever and 99 percent of the owners are right there to clean it up (yours truly included) and everybody is fine...

But whatever, I'm trying to blow it off, and chalk it up to maybe the old bat didn't take her medication or something today...and Cooper finishes and we pick it up, and proceed to finish our walk around the block...

But now, we have to pass the old lady, and as we get closer, Cooper runs up to the lady, wagging his tail and doing his, "Hi, I'm Cooper!...Hello! Hello!" routine...not jumping, but just being happy, and the woman leans down a bit and says in a bit of a whisper..."get away from me!"


Had this been anyone under the age of 50, it would have been go time between them and me...this woman was probably around 107, 108 years old, so I couldn't take a swing at her or anything...

So instead, I got RIGHT in her grill...like six inches away from her face and said, somewhat menacingly, "What did you say?"

Now her eyes widen a little, and says "huh?"

I get a bit closer, if thats possible, because maybe I'm talking into the ear without the hearing aid, and say again, a little more irritated, "What did you say...to the dog??"

She thinks for a bit (probably wondering why she decided to leave her can of mace at home), before answering, rather quietly, "I just was talking to the dog."

Too which I responded by getting even CLOSER to her, then breaking out into a bit of a crazed grin, and say, "Well, I hope it was something nice!"

And walked away....

So the moral of the story....you don't have to like Cooper (though I find it hard to believe anyone couldn't like Cooper), but you DAMN sure won't disrespect him and be mean to him...or you will FEEL THE WRATH OF HIS FATHER, BY GOD!!!

Even if you are on the loose from the nursing home...

Mike (totally a Mike post)


Michael Langley said...

Very NY of you Mike. Send a message to the rest of the octagenarians.

Anonymous said...


Katie said...

Mike, this is borderline psycho. You have joined the ranks of the legendary R.W. Collins on how protective you are of your cocker spaniel. Well done!

suz said...

That woman deserves a bag of hot poo on her doorstep.